You kill me poopie 😂
But on second thought, please don't.
family including dog and then herself?.
You kill me poopie 😂
But on second thought, please don't.
every now and then, my wife will talk about how things are not making sense within the org.
i usually just dismiss it as her playing mind games with me.
for example, she would ask why there are so many branches being closed or why so many congregations are being merged.
Be prepared for a "relapse" after she attends a Circus Assm or any special event
THIS. Hopefully it won't happen, but it is a very real possibility. Some years ago when I was still vascilating pro/anti-JW in my head, I would try to engage my mother in conversations to make her think outside the JW box. She made significant progress. But then all it took was one convention for her to regress. The same thing would happen in smaller amounts from month to month, with the monthly broadcast being the instigator. JW propaganda is like a drug. Cold turkey is the only way to go for some folks. But I'm not being cynical, it sounds like your wife has already made great progress, just keep doing what you're doing. When you're loving and reasonable like that, and when you're not preaching to her and she's coming up with the answers herself, that gets great results 👍
i am not on this site much lately, so i apologize up front if someone has already posted this, but i thought this was big news and wanted to share with the group.. crisis of conscience (fifth edition) is now available on kindle.
I agree, but I'm not talking about weather he would approve or not (which is good but not terribly important). The only problem I had is that this cover kinda plays into WT's depiction of "apostates" as egomaniacs who are 'leading disciples after themselves'. When I first read his books, what struck me was his humility, forgiveness, and modesty regarding not having all the answers. He was thrust into the situation and didn't want to lead others. He only pointed to Jesus. That's what emboldened me to reread the New Testament and discovering once and for all that the JWs were so off base. Now I'm rambling 😅 but you get what I'm saying.
i am not on this site much lately, so i apologize up front if someone has already posted this, but i thought this was big news and wanted to share with the group.. crisis of conscience (fifth edition) is now available on kindle.
Not crazy about the cover giving the impression brother Franz is promoting himself, which he was NOT like at all.
Still, so glad this masterpiece is back on the market, especially now in cheaper and easily obtainable digital form (also easier for a PIMO to sneak a read) and with extra content too.
i posted this on r/exjw, but i thought i might post it here as well.
so the elders in our kh are moving to get us to sign new simplified blood cards and keep them on file.
i really need to not rock the boat in my current pimo status because of circumstances.. my cousin knows i have doubts about the blood thing, but i can’t show her that my doubts are getting to me.
I too am PIMO and I just updated my card to accept ALL blood fractions as well as all procedures involving my own blood. If figure that's pretty close to no restrictions.
jw: didn't we just hear somebody say that the sun's gonna blow up?.
me: well, they were saying that it will expand and eventually burn out.. jw: but it can't do that, it just keeps blowing up inside and getting more power.. me: well, they were talking about stars in general, how they have a life span.. jw: but god didn't make it that way, it's firmly established to time indefinite.
it's not like the sun is a regular star.
JW: Didn't we just hear somebody say that the sun's gonna blow up?
Me: Well, they were saying that it will expand and eventually burn out.
JW: But it can't do that, it just keeps blowing up inside and getting more power.
Me: Well, they were talking about stars in general, how they have a life span.
JW: But God didn't make it that way, it's firmly established to time indefinite. It's not like the sun is a regular star. Who gave them that right to decide?
that was essentially my reply to a recent sms i got from the elder of the group i am supposed to be in, requesting a visit to encourage me and get to know me better.
my wife has been attending english language meetings in warsaw for the last year or so (i have never been) and i think they are getting antsy about where i stand.
i've met many of them at events my wife hosted at our house, but so far nobody has pressed me on the issue of my inactivity.. at one of the events, an elder mentioned that he'd heard i 'had been' a jw for many years and he was curious what first attracted me to the org.
Just beware of giving away your location here if you want to lay low.
the owner of the used apple store in derry new hampshire has put on his facebook that republicans are evil and they are not welcome in his store.
he has done tv interviews now saying that republicans simply should not try to come in and he can generally tell if someone is a republican.
it is interesting that a business owner can bar someone because of their political opinions but if a business owner conscientiously couldn’t make a cake for a gay couple,they are in legal jeopardy..
He's probably among those who trash talked those who respectfully referred a gay couple to their competitor for a cake, but now he thinks it's okay to do the same? Typical non-self-aware far left liberal.
the definition of priming the pump, is put to water manually into the casing of the pump so that it will create a seal and draw the water up.
it's a term used for economics but i like to use it when i am trying to hopefully help a jw, escape.
i view it as a long term endeavor.. whenever there are videos for upcoming conventions, i'll try to work the main theme into a conversation with them.
so i have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years.
and the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and i mean no one know's i am an apostate.
meaning, that i don't believe the jw minds set/beliefs at all, and no one knows it.
I know it must be far more common than the GB would have anybody believe. I've been fully awake for a year and a half, and yes it's very lonely, but not just that: frustrating. Emotionally taxing too, especially because it involves friends and family, the very people I WANT to share my deepest thoughts and feelings with. So far, my only direct outlets have been this website and prayer. However I do PLENTY of discreet reverse-witnessing, in private conversations, comments and from the platform.